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One of the newest stocks that we started covering in the US is a business called Cerner, and they released numbers for their fourth quarter and full year yesterday. The business was founded in 1979 in Kansas City (Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz was not involved) by current CEO Neal Patterson and two other partners.
All three had left Arthur Anderson to start this business. Patterson is also one of the owners of the Major League Soccer teams in the area, Kansas City Wizards (I knew Dorothy and her red shoes had a space here!), but is also infamous for an email (back in 2001) that went viral where he lambasted latecomers and early leavers at his business. He basically threw down a two week ultimatum to his staff, saying that you have two weeks, tick, tock. Ha-ha, sounds like the kind of guy that the unions would dislike intently, but the US is not South Africa.
First things first, what does this business actually do? Well, they are a technology supplier to the healthcare industry. They help reduce the costs of the healthcare providers in order to make healthcare more affordable to ordinary Americans. Their pay off line is as simple as “Health care is too important to stay the same".
I am not too sure how many of you have been for a procedure or to the hospital for an emergency, but do you recall how many forms that you had to fill in? A whole lot including many duplicates, the same information over and over again. They do say that their health systems are developed for physicians with the wellbeing of their people in mind, harnessing technology rather than technology being the core.
There is an absolutely fabulous description (weirdly by the company themselves) in a release about opening an office in Saudi to help the national healthcare outfit to haul themselves ahead of the pack, which does a better job than me at explaining exactly what they do:
We started with the foundation of digitizing paper processes and now offer the most comprehensive array of information software, professional services, medical device integration, remote hosting and employer health and wellness services. Cerner systems are used by everyone from individual consumers, to single-doctor practices, hospitals, employers and entire countries. Taking what we've learned over more than three decades, Cerner is building on the knowledge that is in the system to support evidence-based clinical decisions, prevent medical errors and empower patients in their care.