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Last week one of our smaller holdings, Cerner, reported their third quarter financial report. The numbers were mostly in line with analyst expectations, but in the current market environment, a 'match' is the same as a 'miss'. The stock dropped 11% on Friday.
Cerner, the American supplier of health information technology solutions, services, devices and hardware, is one of our smaller holding in our offshore portfolios. They reported their second-quarter numbers on Thursday last week.
Cerner is an American supplier of health information technology solutions, services, devices and hardware. Its one of our smaller holdings in New York portfolios.
Last week one of our smaller holdings, Cerner released their FY numbers. They are the guys that are trying to remove all the paperwork you have to fill in every time you visit a medical professional. The goal is to create a network where you complete your information once, then from there, all doctors have access to it. Saving trees and saving you time. More importantly though, having the data in digital format, lowers the risk of bad handwriting leading to wrong diagnosis or the wrong procedure being done.
Last week we received third-quarter numbers from Cerner which disappointed the market. The share dropped 9% on the news as forward guidance was revised down. We should put that drop into perspective. Even after that fall, the share price is up 38% so far this year. It all depends on where you draw the line in the sand. Having said that, this has been a volatile ride. This business is a high margin software company with high expectations. A volatile ride usually comes with that package.
Last week Cerner released their 2Q numbers which were largely inline with what the market was expecting. Revenues were up 6% to $1.29 bn, with the more important numbers of Bookings, up 16% to an all time high of $1.64 bn. Revenue Backlog was up 11% to $16.65bn. On the profit side of things, Adjusted Net Income was up 3% to $206 million, which translated into EPS of $0.61, 5% higher (thank you share repurchase program).
Cerner, the IT healthcare services business, reported numbers for the first quarter last week. Quarterly revenues rose 11 percent when compared to Q1 2016, it was at the top end of guidance given by the company. Earnings per share clocked 52 US cents, compared to 43 cents this time last year. Guidance for the coming quarter was at the top end of the range around 1.335 billion Dollars, with earnings per share likely to be in the region of 61 cents per share. For the full year, the company expects the mid point of the range to be 2.5 Dollars of earnings.
Cerner, the specialist information technology healthcare company reported numbers after the market closed. Last year was their toughest year in a long time, spend on hospital systems slowed as uncertainty around government action in the healthcare sector increased. The fewer benefits for the public at large, from a healthcare point of view, will mean that the hospital industry will have to operate on lower costs with possibly lower outcomes. These numbers are for the full year and the last quarter, let us look at the FY numbers to get perspective. Revenues hardly budged at all, clocking 5.446 billion Dollars. The revenue backlog did rise 12 percent, which is pleasing, to nearly 16 billion Dollars. There was a shift in the sales mix to more annuity business, services and support and maintenance at the expense of new sales. This reflects what we were talking about above.
Cerner, the IT healthcare services company, reported numbers and issued guidance for the coming quarter. For shareholders who are not looking to add to their positions, I am afraid the guidance and the numbers themselves fell short of expectations. Obviously the market was looking for more, the stock was down around 6 percent post the market close, i.e. in the aftermarket. What does this business do exactly? This is a business that uses current technology to make healthcare systems easier to use.
Cerner, the information technology healthcare business, released results a couple of sessions ago. The company is in a sweet spot, the more time goes on, the more electronic all healthcare records are likely to be. I think that there is an incredible amount of runway left, anyone who visits their local healthcare professional can attest to this. Equally, a procedure at the hospital amounts in a small forest being cleared, so many forms are needed to be filled in. Equally, in the aftercare environment, the more people involved, the more mistakes. From medicine not administered properly, to the incorrect patient receiving the wrong procedure, technology will help prevent mistakes. At the end of the day, that is the company mission: "to contribute to the systemic improvement of health care
Cerner is a business that focuses on healthcare intelligence. Just the other day, at the beginning of last week, there was a report that suggested Medical errors now third leading cause of death in United States. What? We wrote about their full year results in February, giving some good background to the business - Cerner 4Q and Full year numbers. Back then as we showed you, the stock swooned to a level not seen in a while, the same applies now. Certainly the company is one of the leaders that are looking to reduce medical errors, through their Hospitals & Health Systems business.
Health care is too important to stay the same. That is the payoff line for the company Cerner, founded in 1979 by three Arthur Andersen employees. The company is the largest standalone healthcare IT business in the world, essentially they operate where medical care and information technology collide. Two of those founders are still there, the CEO (and Chairman), Neal Patterson and Vice Chairman Clifford Illig.
Cerner, the information systems healthcare service provider, reported numbers earlier this week. The company announced Third Quarter 2015 Results, that unfortunately missed the lofty expectations of the market, and more unfortunate was that this was the third quarter in a row that the company has come up shy of expectations.
As promised, we are looking at the results of Cerner from two days ago. Cerner is a support system to the medical industry, supporting hospitals by providing critical digital solutions all the way through from dispensing of medicines to making sure the accounts are in order. By providing services software to make medical care more about the care, than the admin. Enabling care givers to go about their jobs easier, that is essentially Cerner's job.
Cerner, the biggest standalone IT Healthcare services business in the world, reported their Q1 numbers last evening. The company is exposed in that they are susceptible to a downturn in healthcare spend on high technological products during an economic malaise. That is what happened to them in 2008/2009, like many other service related businesses. Headquartered in Kansas City and having been around since 1979, the company has seen cycles come and go. What is evident however is that all the money that they have spent on research and development, since the business was founded (36 years), is going to be replicated in the next half a decade. This is truly an exciting time for the company.