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Discovery Holdings released a trading statement yesterday for the 6 months to end December 2014. A quick refresher, remember that the company bought the rest of the JV with Prudential in November: Discovery buying out PruHealth. The company updates, remembering that there are actuaries galore at Discovery, you need to read this trading statement carefully: "following Discovery's acquisition of the remaining 25% issued share capital of Prudential Health Holdings Limited, the holding company of PruHealth and PruProtect joint venture, from Prudential Assurance Company ("Prudential"), the accounting of the puttable non-controlling interest in respect of Prudential's put option falls away, and the difference between the current value and the purchase price of the 25% will be released to the income statement for the six months ended 31 December 2014." Of course you say, why didn't I do the math on this one, I should have known! As a result, guidance for the half just passed is as follows: