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Sigma have found new life

I guess if you don't try you don't get, perhaps Sigma shareholders and the board reckon that the business might well be able to survive under the mountain of debt, if they are a little more nimble. The Australian reports that with the rejection, Sigma have found new life: Sigma boss Mark Hooper turns to generics to reject Aspen's bid. The end for Aspen in this very short chapter? I don't know, they have taken a look under the hood and lowered the offer, that tells me all I need to know. As the article points out, Sigma has to roll over some debt early next year. So who knows the extent of it all, Aspen might have been courting some of the key shareholders. It aint dead in the water, but Aspen might need to cough up, as AFR reports, Sigma says will work with Aspen on offer.

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